I stir the pot, fix the holes, and observe the reality as it is. Propagandist for hire.

Filtering by Category: Arts

Beasiswa Workshop Penulisan Kritik Seni Rupa dan Budaya Visual ruangrupa 2013

Added on by Ridzki.


Fotografi selain dianggap sebagai sebuah karya jurnalistik dan dokumentasi juga dianggap sebagai sebuah karya seni oleh para pelakunya. Melihat kembali perayaan Waisak di Borobudur kemarin telah sekali lagi menyadarkan saya bahwa medium ini, tidak atau sangat kurang sekali memiliki para kritikus yang kompeten di bidangnya, padahal hampir seluruh lapisan masyarakat adalah fotografer pada zaman sekarang ini.

Kebanyakan para fotografer yang terkadang -sama seperti mediumnya- terlalu demokratis dapat dengan mudahnya menilai dan mengkritisi karya-karya mereka dan karya-karya yang lain dengan cara-cara yang superfisial seperti menyatakan bahwa yang tajam itu indah dan yang kabur itu buruk. Maka dari itu saya memohon kepada segenap teman-teman saya yang memang sudah saya ketahui memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan akan fotografi untuk mencoba mendaftarkan diri untuk mencoba mendapatkan tempat dalam workshop yang diadakan oleh ruangrupa ini.

Bagi mereka yang tertarik mendaftarkan diri dan merasa ingin menjadi kritikus foto saya coba tawarkan sebuah beasiswa untuk satu orang, jika anda terpilih maka biaya workshop akan saya bayarkan lunas tetapi dengan syarat selama 1 tahun ke depan setelah workshop ini anda harus membuat sebuah tulisan-tulisan yang memunculkan ide-ide baru atau tulisan-tulisan kuratorial untuk pameran atau bergerak memajukan fotografi Indonesia, semua ini diharapkan dilakukan dalam ranah publik dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Kepada yang tertarik diharapkan menghubungi saya di alamat email a.ridzki[at]gmail[dot]com, kepada yang lain saya harapkan dapat menyebarkan perihal ini ke khalayak umum atau orang-orang yang menurut anda mampu dan mau belajar menjadi kritikus foto.


Terima Kasih.


Ruangrupa kembali membuka pendaftaran untuk mengikuti Workshop Penulisan Kritik Seni Rupa dan Budaya Visual, setelah sebelumnya diadakan sejak 2008. Workshop ini ditujukan kepada penulis muda yang memiliki minat terhadap penulisan kritik seni rupa dan budaya visual secara umum. Peserta workshop akan diseleksi berdasarkan tulisan-tulisan awal yang dikirimkan serta proposal proyek penulisan kritik seni rupa dan budaya visual yang akan dilaksanakan setelah selesai mengikuti workshop ini, beserta syarat pendaftaran lainnya. Hasil akhir dari workshop ini berupa pengelolaan situs jarakpandang.net oleh para peserta workshop, sebagai situs berisikan tulisan-tulisan kritik seni rupa dan budaya visual. Para peserta akan dilibatkan dalam proyek penulisan kritik seni rupa dan budaya visual di jarakpandang.net secara berkala. Selain itu, tulisan-tulisan tersebut akan dimasukan ke dalam proyek buku jarakpandang.net yang berisi tulisan-tulisan kritik seni rupa dan budaya visual dari para penulis muda, yang dihasilkan dari workshop penulisan ini sejak pertama kali diselenggarakan.

Workshop ini akan dilaksanakan di ruangrupa, Jakarta, 17-28 Juni 2013.

Persyaratan pendaftaran:

  1. Usia peserta antara 19 – 30 tahun
  2. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran online di bawah ini.
  3. Mengirimkan 1 buah proyek penulisan dalam bentuk proposal (lihat formulir pendaftaran)
  4. Pendaftar yang terpilih membayar biaya workshop sebesar Rp. 500.000,-
  5. Biaya perjalanan peserta (travel/kereta/pesawat) dari luar Jakarta, ditanggung oleh masing-masing peserta.


  • Pengisian formulir pendaftaran online selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 9 Juni 2013.
  • Peserta terpilih akan diumumkan pada tanggal 13 Juni 2013, melalui website ruangrupa dan jarakpandang.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan hubungi ruangrupa di:

Telepon : (021) 830 4220 Situs : ruangrupa.org | jarakpandang.net E-mail: jarak_pandang@yahoo.com Facebook : Jarak Pandang Twitter : @jarakpandang

Tautan terkait: http://jarakpandang.net/blog/dibuka-pendaftaran-workshop-penulisan-kritik-seni-rupa-dan-budaya-visual-ruangrupa-2013/

Es Krim dan Rasa Nyaman di Rumah

Added on by Ridzki.

Marilah kita bicara sebentar tentang fotografi yang dilakukan dengan porsi intuisi lebih banyak daripada konsep. Walaupun sebaiknya itu dibagi menjadi 2 sama besar (berdasarkan paparan Wid tadi malam dari hasil workshop photography booknya) tapi ada baiknya kita menelaah dari porsi intuisi untuk saat ini. Porsi intuisi ini mudah, kamu lihat apa yang kamu suka maka abadikan saja, kalau meminjam istilah lomografi "Don't Think Just Shoot". Kita sedikit banyak menyimpan foto-foto seperti ini, foto yang diibaratkan sebagai sampah, tah itu tampang teman yang terlihat bodoh, makanan enak yang sebentar lagi akan disantap atau pemandangan ketika liburan. Dari hasil fotografi yang tercerai-berai dan nampak tidak ada hubungan ini cepat atau lambat akan muncul pertanyaan, mau dibawa kemana sampah-sampah ini? berpindah-pindah dari 1 hard-drive ke hard-drive lain sajakah?

Akan tetapi sampah bagi satu bukanlah sampah bagi yang lain, Minggu lepas saya berkesempatan datang ke ENCOUNTERS, pameran oleh Rony Zakaria dan Feels Like Home pameran kolektif dimana Wid juga berperan. Di pameran saya belajar arti foto-foto yang selama ini mungkin kita lupakan, foto-foto intuitif kita, foto dimana Rony merasa seperti memakan es krim yang berbeda rasa setiap harinya dan dimana Wid bisa merasa nyaman seperti di rumahnya.

Bagi yang kurang mendapat background, ENCOUNTERS adalah hasil perjalanan Rony selama 6 tahun menjadi fotografer, perjalanan dia merasakan tinggal di kota, bersama dengan manusia atau makhluk yang ditemuinya dan foto-foto yang diambil tanpa rencana. Perjalanan yang juga ditempa dengan tema dari film favoritnya "Close Encounters of The Third Kind" dan bagaimana kita, seperti kata Oscar Motuloh, melihat benda-benda asing di sekitar kita, bagaikan menjadi alien yang tiba di bumi itu sendiri. Emosi yang terasa dari pameran ini selain keasingan adalah limpahan emosi dari Rony dan, meminjam kata kata dari Oscar Motuloh kembali,  dari orang setenang Rony, ENCOUNTERS adalah sebuah teriakan, mungkin itu juga kenapa mereka berdua memilih sang kera menjadi cover depan buku ENCOUNTERS.

Terbang ke Jogjakarta, saya menjumpai pameran Wid, yang bertema Feels Like Home, dimana Wid menginterpretasikan temanya dengan memamerkan arsip-arsip fotonya yang berjumlah 200 buah di salah satu ruangan kecil di KPY. Wid merasa rumah dalam artian fotografi adalah perasaan nyaman dalam fotografi yang tidak dipenuhi dengan elitisme, kolektif, paham bahwa saya lebih benar daripada anda dan pencapaian-pencapaian dalam bentuk award dan workshop. Saya lalu mengerti betul kerinduan Wid akan fotografi karena fotografi itu sendiri dan bagaimana pusingnya berada di sebuah pusaran yang merumitkan segala sesuatu yang harusnya mudah. Yang harusnya intuitif.

Dapat kita lihat disini, es krim-es krim Rony dan kenyamanan rumah Wid adalah sama! Mereka berakar dari fotografi tanpa konsep, fotografi yang dimulai karena fotografi itu sendiri. Mereka menggambarkan perjalanan atau titik awal sang empunya foto, menggambarkan emosi dan perasaan mereka. Adalah hal ini sama juga dengan bertemu dengan teman yang sudah lama tak berjumpa, kita melihat hal-hal baru tentang mereka dan mereka menjadi pengingat tentang apa yang sudah pernah kita lalui.

Dan itulah fotografi dan hidup, kita terkadang terlalu terfokus pada konsep dan tujuan lalu melupakan sebuah proses atau alasan kenapa kita memulainya. Kita terkadang mempersulit apa yang kita sudah miliki dan menghilangkan kesenangan kita akan es krim dan rasa nyaman di rumah.




Ridzki, Jogjakarta 18 Maret 2013.

Di awal penulis menyebutkan fotografi sebagai sampah, tanpa mengurangi segala hormat penulis tidak bermaksud membandingkan karya keduanya sebagai sampah. Hal itu hanyalah ilustrasi belaka.

Why am I Excited About Bungkus and Why You Should be Too

Added on by Ridzki.

Few months back I attended Bungkus Vol. 2 presentation which was held in Bandung, for those who isn't familiar, Bungkus is a bi-monthly Photography zine from Bandung and the theme for volume 2 is aptly titled "Journey". I had a few talks before and after the talk with the founder of Bungkus; Sandi Jaya Saputra (Useng), Gyaista Sampurno, Sari Asih and Arif Setiawan as well as the participant of the second volume of Bungkus to get the idea of what are the things that they wanted to achieve, why Bandung specifically and how's the future of Bungkus looks like.

From the conversation I kinda get the idea that Bungkus is a little bit different from the other platform existed in this country, even though they are the latest who announce themselves. They already had their mission, their roadmap to go along and what are they trying to make Bungkus of in the future. This is made possible because Bungkus is managed by people who are experienced and educated in the fine art and/or photography, they also had the experience of working in a collective thus ensuring its sustainability (Thank you Rony Zakaria for this input). I have to make note though, a collective might not be a correct term however to call them just a zine is an understatement as well.

So why Bungkus and why Bandung?

Like any other collective it is started out by meeting of some close friends and colleagues, shared some ideas over drinks and suddenly it was born. What makes them different is; instead of focusing the collective around themselves, they wanted to focus on the photographers from Bandung, who made their project in Bandung or outside Bandung OR Non-Bandung Photographers who made the project inside Bandung. The reason is simply that they wanted to put Bandung Photography on the map (Bandung is already well known for their creative athmosphere and the birth of several art movement)

Bungkus started distributing the theme into the internet via facebook (first is called Home, second is Journey and the third theme is History), the editor would set the deadline and then ask the participant to submit at least 20 pictures depicting their interpretation of the theme. Over the submission period the editors would release several ideas of how other photographers interpret the theme. Once the submission is collected then they would start to select the works and try with the photographer to edit the work down to 20 pictures. Once it's all final, then a slideshow would be set up and generally it's a presentation night with a lot of Q and A Session.

Now here's my thoughts on the current model of of the Bungkus.

The first thing that I noticed when I watched the slideshow is that there's a clear gap between the people who understand editing (usually the editor of Bungkus) and the people who doesn't, and in between there are people who use the most basic sequencing, that is to sequence it chronologically. When I confirmed this, the editors did said that the presenter is the one who fully responsible in sequencing the photograph, with little or no help at all from them. I personally thought if this were to continue, the presentation at would mostly be consisted of half baked slideshows that needs more touch. I also noticed that some of the photographers are sometimes not sure why they selected certain pictures to be incorporated in their slideshows.

But I suppose it's about to change, for "History" the editor had decided to prolong the deadline of the submission as well as conducting a seminar session with Primanto Nugroho to dissect more of a perspective pertaining "History", this albeit only a few hours discussions and presentation would still throw in ideas to the photographers on how to approach the theme.

It was already exciting to see how people interpreting the theme and putting their own personal touch which came up as a photography presentations on the second volume and it will be getting more exciting in the future with the addition of the seminar and the prolongations of the deadline. Looking at it I personally believe that there are more to come from Bungkus, especially if they decide to educate photographers on how to create an essays or by the least to sequence photograph for presentations.

With that I conclude by inviting those who are interested to come to Bandung on 2nd March 2013, to watch how the photographers interpreted "History", I bet that there would be some interesting work to be watch.

Bungkus Volume Three: History Presentation will be held in 2 March 2013, starting at 18.30 at Kamones Workshop & Gallery, Jl Cigadung Raya Barat 28A, Bandung

For more information please kindly visit their Facebook Page here

Carpe Diem: A Photography Exhibition by GFJA Workshop Class of XVI

Added on by Ridzki.

The poet Horace had once said “Seize the day, putting as little trust as possible in the future”, a definition comparable to the “decisive moment”, a simultaneous recognition in a fraction of a second the significance of an event. In photography, it meant to worry less about all other things and concentrate on what’s in front of you and in the right moment, immortalize it.

Such are the works of Antara PhotoJournalistic Gallery Workshop Class of XVI, they seize day after another, chasing for that perfect moment and finally be able to exhibit their work in the Gallery at Pasar Baru from March 11 to April 9th 2011.

Unlike other workshops which are conducted over a short period of time, this workshop actually  is conducted for almost a year, bringing not only knowledge but also many great experiences for the students. Susi Muhammad, one of the Basic Program student who had initially accompanied her child for the selection process, only to find that she’s the one that gets into the program had said that the program was a great learning experience for her, to know more about the process of photography and apply it in her interest such as cultures and craft. Mira, a student on the journalistic program who made a photo essay about lesbian lovers affectionately titled “Story of Pineapple & Strawberry”, said that now she has completed her education in Antara, she views camera as not a mere instrument to document something, but a medium to produce expressions or opinions. She also said that being in a journalistic class also forced her to be more creative with written words, to create a story to accompany the pictures.

Unlike other workshops which are conducted over a short period of time, this workshop actually  is conducted for almost a year, bringing not only knowledge but also many great experiences for the students. Susi Muhammad, one of the Basic Program student who had initially accompanied her child for the selection process, only to find that she’s the one that gets into the program had said that the program was a great learning experience for her, to know more about the process of photography and apply it in her interest such as cultures and craft. Mira, a student on the journalistic program who made a photo essay about lesbian lovers affectionately titled “Story of Pineapple & Strawberry”, said that now she has completed her education in Antara, she views camera as not a mere instrument to document something, but a medium to produce expressions or opinions. She also said that being in a journalistic class also forced her to be more creative with written words, to create a story to accompany the pictures.

Oscar Motuloh, the curator of Antara Gallery, state that Carpe Diem and the class of XVI is special; due to the fact that there are many events happening in Indonesia in 2010, which directly or indirectly help to shape the student’s instinct and more importantly perspectives. Oscar also said that every class of Antara Workshop have their own style, due to the outside influence although the syllabus (and mentors) remain the same.

After finishing my interview with Oscar, I looked at the profiles of the class of XVI and attendees of the gallery whom are armed with every kind of camera; DLSRs, Analogs, Lomos, Cellphone Cameras and Pockets, although they held a different kind of cameras, they all had the same passion. Photography. One of them could be the next Cartier-Bresson, the next Capa, the next Julian Sihombing or probably the next Oscar Motuloh.

Then it comes to my mind, the words that was being held by the Class of XVI: “Lalu bagaimana besok? Tak perlu risau, karena mereka adalah mentari hari esok fotografi kita” (So how’s tomorrow? No need to worry, because they are our future photography suns) and I go back with a smile because I know that there’re still great photographs and great photographers in the making.

About A Girl and A Door

Added on by Ridzki.

I dedicate this story to all my friends, male and female alike. Even though I personally believe that I'd rather look what's behind me and not fixed with the door in front of me, I still want them to be able to write off their own stories. And I'll start with the most cliché statement known.

Once upon a time there was a little girl.

One day she took a stroll through the forest, passing the green grassy fields and the ever constant shades. She saw the rabbits and the foxes, She overheard the birds chirping while overlooking the pretty butterflies while picking herself some flowers.

She went passed the woods until she found a door on a walls which guarding the insides of mysteries, perplexed at first she decided to give it a look again tomorrow since the sun is tired.

She went back and over chicken and soup she told her discoveries to the men and women of her family along with her intention. Of course after this warnings were fired.

"You shall not go there again"

"As her siblings you of all people should keep eye on her"

Even though when she tried to explain and gain explanation.

"The point is no!"

Of course this was done of necessity, because they are afraid to lose her. To lose her black long hair, her small figure, her cherished laugh, her smile which melted the snow and her heart which is larger than the life.

But something grow bigger than her heart. Her curiosity.

Alice had always make her envy, and how she wanted to be her in the perfect world. So with few drops of sodium penthatol and her adventure kit (she kept it below her bed) off she goes to the forest.

"Funny there're no birds nor rabbits and foxes"

"It's because we're curious as well" because the animal are also dying to know what's inside the doors. "Alas evolution did not allow us the opportunity"

So when the sun is 110 degree to west, she found the door.



"Have a keyhole"

"and old of course"

That's her observation of the door she's so curious about.

So she peeped into the keyhole only to discover an eye peeping back. Surprised but returned to her composure, she knocked. First time. Second Time. When she about to knock again for the third time the door opened.

Standing before her is a boy, with dirt on his hands and face, golden hair and my what a pretty face. But still it's a boy she thought "annoying, dirty and naughty to say the very least"

"Who are you?"

"I am everything you wanted" "but not even the one thing you need"

Perplexed the girl asked "how is that possible?" "I don't even know you"

"I'll show you" said the boy

Then the boy showed her what's inside the walls, the stories about him and the history. The more he told, the more the girl felt something is growing inside her heart. Which makes her chest pounding every time and make her can't stop smiling.

She visited him everyday, and everyday the world seems brighter, like it was spring all year, like christmas happens every months and like saturday and sunday are there every weeks and days. Of course then this would have profound effect to whatever surrounds her. And she couldn't care less with the fact no explanation had been given.

And suddenly without notice, the wall, the door and the boy disappeared.

She fell into an abyss she created, she had lost her light for the world and the world as well had lost its light.

Years passed and no sign of the boy returned.

And no man or anything alike which can bring the light back.

Not even the prince on charming horses,

or the poet which befriended the words

or even the humble man whom offer her only with honesty and happiness.

Because she wants nothing except the boy, and the door to go inside the walls.

Finally one day she heard a call. So familiar, and only one person which can like that. The boy had returned. So off to the forest she goes, and find the wall she had along with the door. But instead of the boy she found a letter.

"For after you finished this letter you'll see what I meant, about what you want and what you need, because we're exemplary figures of your minds, figment of your desires. Like how you wanted to see a door and you'll see one. After you finished this letter, close your eyes, turn your back against the door and open your eyes again and tell your heart what you see, then chase out that what it seeks"

A Matter of Minds/of Parenting, Long Talks and Very Much Relationship in General

Added on by Ridzki.
I get angry with the mirror sometimes, because it's trying to define me.

I finally figure that out, these past few days, granted my volume of conversation I had with my parents is diminishing compared to two or three years ago, quality or quantity wise. This kind of situation then made my fear comes true, like after missed out your friends for a few years the moment you met them, they have transformed into this beings which you can't understand again. You remembered them for what they were, but the truth is they have developed and experienced much. So as you.

I began the talk by arguing why I can't learn from mistakes? why should I be protected and believe "what mother knows best" is the best for me. As always the arguments that my parents had are the arguments which I have heard plenty of times during the past few years and trust me, though the quality or the quantity is low, I'm still listening for what they have to say. Out of respect perhaps, but most probably because I'm a true believer that the purpose you had in this world is to learn about the things on the earth and beyond.

The talk expanded from minutes to hours and I can see clearly that my mother is tired, but I still force her to go for it. if it's not now then this will be dragged again into whatever time in the future. I tried to explain that things have developed for me, I had learn things from her sayings, from my experiences and the experiences of others. Stories would be proven to have the same effect.

Previously I had to explained to her that it is a vicious cycle for not believing that I had developed, which in the end she just keep repeating the same stories because she believed that I would still make the same mistake in the future. Worse than a donkey I might say. But then I tried to explain that this cycle is unproductive and only would be proven to make me sick of all the same sayings. Thus I began to explain things to her, I began to let go a piece of my minds I always keep for myself and the results are just awestruck.

She couldn't understand me. she said in her words, that I have become wiser, yes but I also developed to this being which is eerily complicated and advanced so that her minds can't follow my train of thoughts anymore. I say deeply in my heart, you are not the only person who thinks that way, I myself sometimes keep getting confused of myself. Thus explaining the opening sentences.

Parenting is tough yes. While I am a modern child of the universe, my parents are still this simple minded fellow whom I adore and envy at the same time. They've been blessed to be able to raised a child like me and my sister and I studying from them will try to raise my own child with a lots or bits of their teachings.

In the end, we make a pact. I will try to increase the quantity and quality of conversation, while her at the same time will also try to understand my behaviour and began asking about matters she's quite hesitate to ask at first. And I promised myself to learn to express it in a non-delicate ways, which is ok because of the learnings I might need to learn.

Lightcraft and Silent Scenery Album Launch

Added on by Ridzki.

Update: It seems that Junk Magazine have fully adopted this writing without even acknowledging me or Azhana (yeaa they acknowledge her by saying she provided additional info). My comments for this matter; please don't do it again Junk, it is rude and will make your magazine loses credibility; and secondly when you get "additional infos" from other person, just make sure that you have understood what the infos are all about, for example Lightcraft bassist went MIA not actually the name of the bassist is MIA. It was a great day for a great event for music, two took place in Malaysia and another in Singapore. Leave all the Asia Awards and Fest to the other music fans and journalist. I am here to write a review regarding an event took place in The Annexe Gallery. Lightcraft and Silent Scenery, two well known indie bands in Malaysia, are deciding to release their album together, a debut for Silent Scenery and sophomore for Lightcraft. Along the night there are also performances from other great names such as Leaders on Sunday, Lurks (last minute replacement for Telebury) and Inspirative coming all the way from Thailand.

Being fashionably late, the event kicked off at 8.30 PM, started by Leaders on Sunday, self proclaimed crunk band which are motored by 3 of their member Rushdi, Shariman and Nabil. The guys give out an upbeat set for all the people that have been waiting, at one point during their show the MC tell out that the band were formed because one of the member girlfriend is ditching him because she attracted to some underwear model.

Leaders on Sunday

Second on the bill is Inspirative, hailing all the way from Thailand this band had already make head turns during their check sound sessions. It's unique and fresh, like how tom yum soup will make you warm and then continued with mango rice which are cool and soothing. The band played mostly their instrumental track with one (or is it two?) tracks with lyrics. This band really is the black horse of the night providing the great mood swing.


On the third, there is one of the main show of the night, Silent Scenery, equipped with a celloist the band which describe themselves as emotronic, rocked out with the audience. At one time the vocalist Kit, said that the band will play differently than the other band as they would not stopped between songs, strangely they did, but it was forgiveable as they started to explain about the event and how they met with Lightcraft and planning the event together.

Silent Scenery

Next on the stage is Lurks being the last minute replacement for Telebury, they really are not dissapointing. Sounded like Depeche Mode or some might say Joy Division, they are the most rocking out band of the night. Again the mood of the audience is being changed drastically to a bit dark, I guess it is quite needed to ensure that the audience is still in the place and kept interested.


Lastly come the star of the show, although this event can be said that it is a collaboration between Lightcraft and Silent Scenery, most of the audience were clearly waiting for Lightcraft on stage. They come out with almost their original formation with the exception of Efry on bass. The sound of Lightcraft although still very British, are being added with more complexity and maturity especially on the track All In My Mind and The Girl Who Went to War. Imam being the front man are clearly very nervous on that night, however, that did not make their performance become any less entertaining.  There are quite a few surprise on the night especially when they are trying to play their first Indonesia song, which surprisingly great sounding and also when the audience asking for the encore which come answered by playing I Don't Know What It Is.


Finally the event ended, tired but amused the audience went back to their homes, sharing the experience which are clearly could not be found in Genting or Singapore. and yeah.. did I mention we get a free muffins?



A contrary, an anomaly

Added on by Ridzki.

Forgive me if I'm often contrary, especially at festival like today. When all others are seated. I get up.

When others rise and clap. I sit.

When others in lively discussion. I sleep.

When others set pigeon free. I scatter paddy.

Others have attained independence. Not me.

Forgive me if I'm often contrary. I do it only to remind.

-A poetry I found while reading Mat Som by Lat, a Malaysian cartoonist. Anybody could tell me who's the original writer of the poet?

Labrador Tour 2008, Club 8 and Pelle Carlberg live on KLPAC

Added on by Ridzki.

Well it has been my greatest gig ever, great sounds, great lighting and great souvenir (I got Pelle's towel + his and Club 8's signatures on that!!) anyway without further ado here are the pictures from the great night:



Club 8


Sorry for the poor quality, I had only my mobile with me, well better that than no picture at all.


---------------- Now playing: Paul Williams - You Give A Little Love


Added on by Ridzki.

Oh why is it that every little things I feel Must end in the way that I wouldn't want to be

Lost in my dream, my happy endings are

For life is just another nightmares for me

Bumi Nusantara and Daerah Samad

Added on by Ridzki.

tapis Yesterday while visiting my friend in Kuala Lumpur, I went to one of the art gallery there, The Petronas gallery, they had two exhibition one is called Bumi Nusantara and the second is Daerah Samad.

Bumi Nusantara (Nusantara Journey) was actually a recollection of journey of the Petronas Adventure team which is gracefully done by Masnoor Ramli, whom are member of Matahati art group. The journey started from West Malaysia through Indonesia to East Malaysia, the exhibition would show how Masnoor would capture the journey in form of photography, paintings, videos and artifacts. Some of their portrayals of Indonesia,are depressingly true, however some like the picture above, is actually amazing, the picture was actually an art from my hometown, called tapis which is similar to batik in Java and the fact that not many people knows it. Some of the portrayals are showing the very life of Indonesian citizens with their everyday difficulty or natural disaster that have been happening recently such as the tsunami in Aceh or Lapindo-Brantas mud tragedy in East Java.

pria punya selera

This picture shows some of the comic portrayals of pop cultures in Indonesia, how smoking is part of the everyday life,and even an old man would still smoke a specific type of cigarette brand, which has the tagline of "Male's Choice" (well ok, it's kinda weird if I try to direct translate it, but it's the one that written there)

Daerah Samad (Samad's Land) on the other hand is a totally different kind of arts, while Bumi Nusantara would portray the journey through Indonesia, Daerah Samad is collection of 100 sketches from a national Malaysian Laureate Poet named A. Samad Said. The sketches however, not always using papers as the medium, some of them are even using tissue napkins from various restaurants, however a common theme was that the sketches consisted of dots and lines of black and red colors.

Daerah Samad

Here are some of his arts, some of them are words that I couldn't read however it is still amazing how he had been doing this all the time, and below is one of the example of the sketches.

daerah samad 2

Sorry to only having a small number of pictures, I forgot to save some of the interesting ones on my phone, well however this exhibition is giving new impression in my dull life. For more information you can go to Petronas Gallery website
